How many triangles are in the picture? The answer will definitely surprise you

Puzzles help to keep the brain in good shape. We offer you an interesting task known as the Kanizsa Triangle. It’s not just a fun pasttime, but a real challenge that will help you determine how quickly and efficiently you can solve complex problems.

Puzzles sharpen your attention, improve your cognitive functions, and help you think creatively. Look carefully at the picture and count the number of triangles.

How many triangles are in the picture? The answer will definitely surprise you

At first glance, the Kanizsa Triangleseems quite simple. Three sharp corners, white space in the middle – everything looks perfectly neat and geometric. In fact, this is where the illusion starts to work. Your brain likes to fill in the blanks, to find meaning in patterns.

This little mind game was created by Italian psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa in 1955. He arranged the shapes – three V-shaped corners and three round Pac-Man shapes – in such a way that they created the impression of a solid white triangle in the center.

Such optical illusions help keep the brain sharp. It encourages lateral thinking, as well as improves problem-solving skills and even improves cognitive flexibility. The more often we do mental training, the better we are at making connections, identifying patterns, and thinking outside the box.

The answer

There are no triangles at all. These “triangles” are not real. It’s just a clever optical illusion. In reality, you see V-shapes and round shapes, but your mind fills in the blanks and the result is the illusion of a triangle.

Puzzles like the Kanizsa Triangle remind us that our perception can be deceiving.

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