How to fertilize raspberries to significantly increase the yield: expert advice

Raspberries are one of the most popular berries grown in gardens. Ripe berries have not only a great taste, but also many beneficial properties. To get a big harvest and provide your family with delicious berries, you need to take proper care of raspberry bushes.

One of the key aspects is fertilization, because raspberries, as a perennial crop, deplete the soil and need regular fertilization. Experts tell us how and when to fertilize raspberries to ensure their healthy growth and generous harvest.

To achieve good results, it is important to carry out three main fertilizations of raspberries during the season. The first feeding is recommended at the beginning of the growing season, the second during active fruiting, and the third at the end of summer to restore the plant’s strength and prepare it for winter.

First feeding: stimulate growth and development

The first feeding is important for stimulating active shoot growth. In early spring, raspberries need nitrogen to build up leaves and young shoots, as well as phosphorus to strengthen the rhizome and potassium for better ovary formation. Fertilizing is carried out in May using a manure solution (1 kg per bucket of water), which is added for each running meter. If after feeding the plants remain pale, after two weeks it is worth doing a root feeding with a solution of Nitroammofoska.

Second feeding: active fruiting and improved berry quality

When the raspberries have formed ovaries, it’s time for the second feeding. During active fruiting, raspberries need a balanced fertilizer composition that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and humic compounds. This promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. To do this, you can use ready-made organo-mineral fertilizers, such as Ideal, or prepare an infusion of herbs and weeds. Plants in need of fertilization are watered after deep watering, using 7 liters of solution per square meter.

Third feeding: preparation for winter

The final stage of raspberry fertilization is carried out in late summer or early fall. This time, the main goal is to strengthen the plant and help it prepare for wintering. For this, nitrogen-free fertilizers are used, since it is not recommended to stimulate shoot growth before wintering. The addition of potassium sulfate or potassium magnesium at the rate of 2 tablespoons per bucket of water will improve the winter hardiness of raspberries. You can also add an ash infusion containing potassium, phosphorus, and trace elements under the bushes.

Mulching for better results

To maintain optimal soil conditions and improve soil structure, you should add mulch. A layer of organic material, such as peat, humus, or straw, will help retain moisture in the soil and protect the root system from freezing in winter. Mulch also promotes the decomposition of organic matter and enriches the soil with essential elements.

It is important to remember that the optimal timing and composition of fertilizers may vary depending on climatic conditions. In central Ukraine, the first fertilization is carried out in May, and the last – at the end of August. In the southern regions, where the growing season is longer, the timing of fertilization can be slightly adjusted.

Regular fertilization of raspberries during the growing season allows the plant to receive all the necessary nutrients for healthy growth, development, and fruiting. Without proper care, the crop may show signs of soil depletion, which will negatively affect the quantity and quality of berries.

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