The world’s oldest man John Tinniswood has passed away: how old he was
The world’s oldest man, John Tinniswood, has passed away on Monday, November 25. The heart of the British man, who survived two world wars, stopped at the age of 112.
The sad news was reported on the website of Guinness World Records. He died in a nursing home in Southport, England.
“John always liked to say thank you. So on his behalf, thanks to all those who cared for him over the years, including his carers at the Hollies Care Home, his GPs, district nurses, occupational therapist and other NHS staff,” the record holder’s relatives said.
John Tinniswood followed the news and managed his finances independently until his last day, which kept him mentally active. The record holder never followed any special diets, and called his longevity “pure luck”.
According to his family, he was a very intelligent, determined, brave, and calm person. The man could easily find a common language with others.
“John moved to the Hollies Rest Home just before his 100th birthday and his kindness and enthusiasm for life were an inspiration to the care home staff and his fellow residents,” the family added.
John Tinniswood was born in Liverpool on August 26, 1912. It was there that the record holder grew up and met his beloved girlfriend Blodwen, whom he married in 1942. The couple built a strong family, and later had a daughter, Susan.
During World War II, the record holder served in the Royal Army Pay Corps. There, he was responsible for administering finances as well as organizing food supplies and locating stranded soldiers. After the war, Tinniswood worked as an accountant for a long time.
When a British man turned 100 years old, he started receiving greeting cards from Queen Elizabeth II on every birthday. This tradition continued until Her Highness passed away.
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