Who went on a picnic? A riddle that will blow your mind
Puzzles are a great way to keep your brain on its toes. Numerous studies have shown that regular brain training improves the functioning of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for cognitive skills, among other things.
A challenging puzzle is gaining popularity online. Try to solve the riddle.
“A couple with 5 sons went on a picnic. Each son had 7 sisters. Each sister had three children. How many people went on the picnic?”
This puzzle doesn’t seem to contain anything too complicated, but asks one simple question: how many people went on a picnic?
However, it’s not that simple. The key requirement for solving it also includes paying very close attention to all the details provided. In addition, you have only 10 seconds to answer.
The correct answer
At first glance, it seems like a pretty simple question and all you have to do is add up all the people mentioned, which is 35. Although the Instagram user did not leave the answer in the post, the correct answer seems to be hidden in the carefully worded post at the beginning.
Only two people went to the picnic – the couple mentioned at the beginning.
Nowhere else in the puzzle does it say that someone else is going to the picnic, it simply emphasizes how many children the couple has and how many grandchildren they have.
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