Will be fresh and tasty for a long time: top 9 simple rules for storing vegetables and fruits

Storing fruits and vegetables is a science, because the wrong conditions can cause products to spoil quickly or lose their flavor. Some fruits do not tolerate cold, others do not tolerate moisture, and there are those that emit gases that accelerate the ripening of neighboring products.

Simple and effective rules for storing fruits and vegetables were shared on the otvalentiny.od Instagram page. By following these recommendations, you will preserve the taste and quality of the products for much longer.

1. Store onions and potatoes separately

Will be fresh and tasty for a long time: top 9 simple rules for storing vegetables and fruits

Do not place onions and potatoes next to each other. Onions give off gases that help potatoes germinate. To keep the potatoes fresh longer, you can put one apple with them to slow down the germination process.

2. Tomatoes – not in the refrigerator

Will be fresh and tasty for a long time: top 9 simple rules for storing vegetables and fruits

Storing tomatoes in the refrigerator destroys their structure, makes them soft and deprives them of their rich flavor. The best place for them is on the kitchen counter or in a basket at room temperature.

3. Onions and garlic love the dark

For long-term storage, onions and garlic should be kept in a dark, dry, and well-ventilated place. Ideal are linen bags or wooden boxes to prevent mold.

Will be fresh and tasty for a long time: top 9 simple rules for storing vegetables and fruits

4. Do not wash fruits and vegetables ahead of time

Washing food before storing it only accelerates its spoilage. Moisture promotes the growth of bacteria and the development of rot. It is best to wash fruits and vegetables just before eating them.

5. How to speed up the ripening of avocados

If you need to ripen an avocado faster, put it in a paper bag with a banana or apple. They release ethylene, which stimulates the ripening process.

Will be fresh and tasty for a long time: top 9 simple rules for storing vegetables and fruits

6. Potatoes don’t like the cold

Do not store potatoes in the refrigerator – low temperatures turn starch into sugar, which spoils their taste and texture. The best place to store them is in a dark and cool place, such as a pantry or cellar.

7. Berries are best stored in glass jars

To keep berries fresh longer, do not store them in plastic containers. Pour them into a glass jar and refrigerate them to double their shelf life.

8. Carrots will not be soft

Carrots keep longer if they are placed in a container of water and refrigerated. This will help keep it moist and prevent the vegetable from becoming soft.

9. How to store herbs

Will be fresh and tasty for a long time: top 9 simple rules for storing vegetables and fruits

To keep herbs fresh for weeks, rinse them well, dry them, and wrap them in a damp paper towel. Then the greens should be put in a container or put in a glass of water, covered with a bag – this will create a greenhouse effect and preserve freshness.

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